Scenes from the Chemistry 2018 REU cycle
ODU Chemistry hosted 10 REU participants from community colleges in Virginia and California.

Participants' Home Community Colleges:
Thomas Nelson Community College
Eastern Shore Community College
Virginia Western Community College
REU participants: Michael M., Estevan C., Mohammad J., Jorge M., Narome B., Tyler W., Malia S., Jalina G., Mary O., Chekeyl H., and Dr. Holder

Mary O. purifying one of her gelator molecules with Jonathan Bietsch in Dr. Wang's lab..

Estevan C. explains his research in Dr. Purcell's lab at the final poster session.

Mohammad J. with his poster on computational modeling of explosives in Dr. Bayse's group.

Cole P. sealing tubes in Dr. Hatcher's lab.

Tyler W. presents his work with Dr. Ramjee synthesizing nanocapsules.

Malia S. examines bacteria cultues at the microscope in Dr. Courson's lab.

Chekeyl H. poses with her progress toward generating hydrogen with Co(III) catalysts.

Jalina G. (right) and Dr. Poutsma take a break from modeling dipeptides.

Michael M. shows graduate student Oumar Sacko his work analyzing tea samples in Dr. Mao's lab.

Jorge M. explains his work on algae in Dr. Lee's group to graduate student Anji Chen.